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County Matches
The original group of five Counties, against whom matches were played in 1969, has fluctuated over the years but currently stands at 20 matches against 15 Counties, with one of the counties being Oxfordshire Ladies Golf Captains. These matches form by far the largest and, arguably, the most important component of the Oxfordshire Golf Captains’ golfing and social activities. As they have done over the years, these matches will continue to create long-lasting and important friendships between competing Counties. It is unlikely that the friendly camaraderie between golfing adversaries could be matched on any other sports field anywhere.
The annual match against the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Juniors, which had been played since 1969, very sadly was brought to an end in 2008 when their fixture list had to be reduced due to ever-increasing demands on their presence elsewhere.
Click here for a summary of Oxfordshire Golf Captains matches from 1989 to date.
Click here for the records of each Captain since 1989.
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